The Morningstar Corporation's RTS Remote Temperature Sensor improves battery charging for those experience variations in temperature, or for those that have their batteries and charge controllers in two different locations.
The temperature sensor helps the charge controller accurately charge your batteries for peak charging performance. Highly recommended in situations where they can be a 9°F+ difference between your Morningstar Solar Charge controller and the Battery pack.
Compatible with:
- ProStar (soldering required)
- TriStar
- SunKeeper
- SunSaver Duo
- SunSaver MPPT
- TriStar MPPT
- Highly accurate: +/- 2.7°F (1.5°C)
- Cable length: 33 ft (10 meters)
- User may easily extend cable length up to 30 meters (100 feet) using standard cable
- Corrects for temperatures from -30°C (-22°F) to +80°C (+176°F)
- Wires are non-polarized